Calburn's Birds of Southern Africa by Simon Calburn
Because this book is a pictorial record of bird-drawing expeditions in various parts of Southern Africa, it does not claim to be comprehensive. An attempt has been made to present a selection of birds from each of the major types of terrain, but arbitrary sub-division along such lines has its difficulties. There will be those who will disagree with the inclusion of such birds as the Flamingoes and the Fish Eagle under the heading of "Birds of Sea and Shore', and will point out, quite correctly, that these birds are found equally, if not more, frequently on the inland waterways. I have tried in the text to obviate such misunderstandings as to distribution.
1969 Softvover
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Because this book is a pictorial record of bird-drawing expeditions in various parts of Southern Africa, it does not claim to be comprehensive. An attempt has been made to present a selection of birds from each of the major types of terrain, but arbitrary sub-division along such lines has its difficulties. There will be those who will disagree with the inclusion of such birds as the Flamingoes and the Fish Eagle under the heading of "Birds of Sea and Shore', and will point out, quite correctly, that these birds are found equally, if not more, frequently on the inland waterways. I have tried in the text to obviate such misunderstandings as to distribution.
1969 Softvover
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Because this book is a pictorial record of bird-drawing expeditions in various parts of Southern Africa, it does not claim to be comprehensive. An attempt has been made to present a selection of birds from each of the major types of terrain, but arbitrary sub-division along such lines has its difficulties. There will be those who will disagree with the inclusion of such birds as the Flamingoes and the Fish Eagle under the heading of "Birds of Sea and Shore', and will point out, quite correctly, that these birds are found equally, if not more, frequently on the inland waterways. I have tried in the text to obviate such misunderstandings as to distribution.
1969 Softvover
2 MB / FB